‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum: the history of fashion in the heart of Palermo

'Raffaello Piraino' House MuseumOver five thousand pieces including garments, bodices, home attire, lace, fabrics, underwear, accessories, and much more. Here is a collection composed of items that predominantly come from ancient Sicilian families spanning a timeframe of three centuries: welcome to the ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum, a true gem nestled in the heart of Palermo. The master of the house is Professor Raffaello Piraino, an artist and lecturer in Costume History and Set Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, who proves to be a unique guide among the fashion beauties expertly housed there, at Via dell’Università, 54, in the magic of the historic center. Sicilian Secrets takes you on a journey to discover this enchanted place.

Cities often reveal hidden treasures, corners of great charm that may be concealed behind the doors of one of the many palaces lining the streets. And in Palermo, this happens frequently. In the historic center, upon entering Via dell’Università, simply proceed to number 54 and – after you climb a couple of flights of stairs -… magic happens. It is here, in fact, that you’ll find the ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum, a little gem (indeed, there is no better definition!) housed within Professor Piraino’s residence, an artist, painter, and collector as well as a man of great culture who – during the visit – enriches every description with anecdotes and life stories where occasionally episodes related to figures like Renato Guttuso and Leonardo Sciascia may emerge!

'Raffaello Piraino' House Museum
‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum

Why did the ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum come about?

«I established a foundation because I want all this to outlive me», emphasizes Professor Piraino. Over the years, he has not only assembled ‘garments and accessories’ but also an enormous wealth of knowledge. A narrative of Sicily (and beyond) that allows everybody to travel through time, from the eighteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century. A collection whose primary objectives include the consolidation and dissemination of the historical and artistic knowledge of the local cultural heritage through the realization of thematic exhibitions set up within the museum’s six exhibition rooms. A refined exhibition space, where each visitor can discern the hand of a humanist who – as mentioned – can boast professional experiences, friendships, and collaborations with names that resonate indelibly. An emotional leap into the past with an eye on the future.

'Raffaello Piraino' House Museum
Accessories – ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum

The garments and accessories of the ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum are in excellent company. The colors of the fabrics meet, in fact, with paintings, graphics, and photographs not to mention the furniture and precious family memories…everything is organized with elegance and harmony.

All the charm of fashion

Poiret, Fortuny, Worth junior, Dior, Doucet. And then Mme P.J. Durand, Pillitteri-Merlet, Mlle Siracusà, and Mme Dedés, La Ville de Lyon Florence, Serafina Barberis-Tourin, Angelici & Figli-Napoli. Several labels alternate as one walks among the pieces of the Raffaello Piraino’s collection. The names of international tailors intertwine with those of Italian and Sicilian tailors, constructing a tale rich in charm that sometimes takes back to the Belle Époque, other times evokes the roaring twenties or the fifties! It is a testimony of Italy and Sicily, a little treasure that Piraino himself admits to having accumulated by «emptying all the basements of Palermo»! Each piece has its own story, its own anecdote. It’s not difficult to come across names like Donna Franca Florio or hear the echo of The Leopard. Don’t be surprised if Professor Piraino tells you about that time he bought from a secondhand dealer a dress intended for his wife (who so desired to be portrayed by him) that turned out to be a piece of Concetta‘s trousseau.

'Raffaello Piraino' House Museum
Collection – ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum

Who was Concetta? The young daughter of Prince Salinas mentioned by Tomasi di Lampedusa in his novel! A trousseau never used and said to bring bad luck to every girl of marriageable age…

A journey into memory

It’s a journey into memory, in short. It’s not a coincidence that the ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum has become part of the National Association of Memory Houses and that Marco Capaccioli, vice president of the association, says that «The ‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum is a unique reality, a Costume Museum and at the same time a precious representative of the varied world of memory houses». (source: www.casedellamemoria.it) This house museum is recognized by experts as one of the top Italian costume museums, an immersion in colors and styles that evolve, becoming a metaphor for personal exploration, discovery, and human connections spanning epochs and space.

'Raffaello Piraino' House Museum
‘Raffaello Piraino’ House Museum
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