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Lemon sorbet

If you would like a typical Sicilian dessert, follow the  Lemon Sorbet’s recipe below. Serves 4: 500 ml lemon juice 2.5 l water 1 egg white 200 g fine sugar 50 g icing sugar Boil the water and sugar in a saucepan for several minutes until all the sugar has …


Almond biscuits

The almond biscuits are a typical Sicilian pastry. A traditional recipe without butter and flour, perfect for tea time or for a tasty break! Ingredients: – 1 kg blanched almonds – 1 kg sugar – 240 g egg whites – vanilla essence to taste (2-3 drops) – bitter almond essence …

Broccoli Affogati

“Drowned” broccoli

During the winter period the “drowned” broccoli are a typical Sicilian side dish that is brought on our table. Serves 4: 1 …
