Maurizio Asciutto, here is Sicily that dances… and sings!

Maurizio Asciutto Maurizio Asciutto, also known as MOA, is an artist from Palermo who takes his first steps – quite literally! – as a dancer and choreographer. In 2021, he made his debut on the scene with his first summer hit “Vieni Via,” followed by “Tredici” in 2022. His career is on the rise, always and only to the beat of music. Sicilian Secrets interviewed him.

Q: Your career began as a dancer and choreographer. How did you get into this world, and when did you understand it was more than just a hobby?

A: My career started as a dancer and choreographer, that is still my primary job today. When I started studying, I immediately understood that it wasn’t just a passion or a hobby, but rather something I wanted to do with my life. In class, I was the first to arrive and the last to leave. I began to have a professional mindset, chasing my dream. Each of us should strongly believe it, then obsession and sacrifices always pay off.

Q: From Palermo to…the rest of the world! Your work has taken you to some iconic places like Los Angeles and then to television. What are the experiences you remember with the greatest emotion?

A: All my experiences, especially abroad and on television, have a special and gratifying flavor. It’s hard to choose one, the emotions are unique and almost inexplicable in words. I can only say that it’s a moment of huge happiness, something that makes you remember and at the same time forget all the sacrifices accumulated up to that moment. I fully understand that success is nothing but an abundant collection of failures.

Maurizio Asciutto
Maurizio Asciutto

Q: In 2021, your first hit “Vieni Via” was released. It’s followed by other singles up to the latest, “Vola Libero.” How did you decide to approach the singer-songwriter environment?

A: Music is life! An essential part of every human being. From when I was young, I realized I loved art, especially music-related art, and consequently, I had an artistic soul. I’ve always loved music in all its forms, so I became a dancer and choreographer. My great, unique, and inimitable idol was Michael Jackson, but I also followed American boy-bands and all the artists who combine dance with singing. It has always been one my greatest wishes to expand my artistic scope by adding singing, thus becoming a complete performer…American style but 100% Italian, of course.

Q: What do you want to convey with your music? Who is your primary audience?

A: I try to tell the chapters of everyone’s life. I talk about freedom, feelings, emotions, personal growth, and I try to encourage people to search for inner values without just focusing on appearances. Thus, trying to dispel the hypocrisy of this world! I also talk about the passionate part that burns within us and the consequences we face. In short, I try to get straight to the heart!

Maurizio Asciutto
Maurizio Asciutto

Q: “C’è chi parla e non sa niente, lascia parlare” (There are those who talk and don’t know anything, let them talk). Here is a line taken directly from “Vola Libero,” a song about self-realization, about the future. About moving forward. How does all of this relate to you and your career, thus the ambitions of Maurizio Asciutto?

A: As I said before, I try to tell life in general. Life is made up of chapters and moments. But it’s also made up of connections that span all the chapters…one of these is about personal growth and the importance of never stopping dreaming, believing in yourself, and never giving up. You always need a strong motivation to get up in the morning. The most beautiful dreams are not made at night, but during the day with eyes wide open! The phrase you mentioned is strong…today’s society tries to show off without real content. Conversely, silence, that is wisdom, is often accompanied by deeds! Consequently, it’s a situation that personally touches me and all my ambitions.

Q: Let’s talk a bit about Palermo and Sicily. What is the connection of Maurizio Asciutto to his land?

A: For me, Palermo, Sicily is everything! I didn’t grow up there because I lived many years abroad. My parents had decided to emigrate to Germany with the hope and awareness of returning. I know my land since I live there, and I also know its absence, being away from it. Today, walking through the city, I feel a huge sense of belonging, of family, and it makes me think a lot about my father. The culture and enchanting beauty unfortunately contrast too much with the uncivilized part. I hope the future can bring us positive surprises. Sneak peek: I’ll invite you to listen to my next song that will be released this summer!

Maurizio Asciutto

Q: Is there a place in Sicily that inspires you to write and create? Or where you might want to shoot a video, or why not…to perform!

A: Without a doubt, the sea! For me, the sea is a source of inspiration and at the same time a friend, listener, and sincere advisor. Sicily is ‘Bedda tutta’ (All beautiful).

Q: Before we say goodbye, it’s legitimate to talk about wishes. What are your professional dreams? What do you want in your future as an artist?

A: Thanking the Lord, in my own way, I consider myself already quite fulfilled, but I still have many chapters to write and live…and I can’t wait, sincerely. I still have many projects and wishes.

Q: And finally, what are the projects you already have in pipeline for the near future?

A: Continuing to keep my dance school strong, founded in 2013 in Palermo, the ‘Universum Dance Studio’. But also never stopping to thrill with my choreographies. As a musician, furthermore, with my music, I would like to reach as many hearts as possible, helping them live and overcome any difficulties. At the moment, I’m working on my next song, that will be released this summer!

Maurizio Asciutto has taken us to discover a Sicily made of dance and music, but our news does not end here. Sicilian Secrets always tells you about some new stories on this blog. And if you wish to stay updated about our news and read our next articles, follow us on Sicilian Secrets’ Facebook page and Instagram.

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